Research Activities
1. H. Zayani, K. Barkaoui, R. Ben Ayed - Probabilistic verification and evaluation of Backoff procedure of the WSN ECo-MAC protocol, International Journal of Wireless & Mobile Networks, vol. 2(2), pp. 156-170, 2010.
2. R. Abo, K. Barkaoui, H. Zayani - A Probabilistic Analysis of Energy Efficiency of Wireless Sensor Network Duty-Cycled MAC Protocols: Application to S-MAC and Eco-MAC, Q2SWinet'10, 6th ACM/IEEE International Symposium on QoS and Security for Wireless and Mobile Networks (in conjunction with MsWim'10), October 2010, Bodrum, Turkey.
3. H. Zayani, R. Ben Ayed - Wireless Sensor Networks Optimization: Cross-Layer (DSR-Z-MAC) and Synchronization Technique (SMAC), International Review on Computers and Software (I.RE.CO.S.), January 2009.
4. H. Zayani, R. Ben Ayed, K. Djouani, K. Barkaoui - ECoMAC: An energy-efficient and low-latency hybrid MAC protocol for wireless sensor networks, PM²HW²N'07, 2nd ACM International Workshop on Performance Monitoring, Measurement and Evaluation of Heterogeneous Wireless and Wired Networks, Chania, Crete Island, Greece, January 2007, pp.68-71, Series ACM,
5. H. Zayani, R. Ben Ayed, K. Djouani, K. Barkaoui - ECoMAC : Un protocole MAC économe en énergie pour les réseaux de capteurs sans fil, GRES'07, 8ème Colloque Francophone sur la gestion de réseaux et de services, Hammamet, Tunisia, January 2007, pp.185-192,
6. H. Zayani, R. Ben Ayed, K. Djouani, K. Barkaoui - Vers une optimisation des performances des Réseaux de Capteurs Sans Fils par une approche multicouches, GEI'07, 7ème Journées Scientifiques des Jeunes Chercheurs en Génie électrique et Informatique, Monastir, Tunisia, January 2007, pp.71-80
7. H. Zayani, R. Ben Ayed, K. Djouani, K. Barkaoui - Etude de protocole MAC dans les réseaux de capteurs sans fil, GEI’06, 6ème Journées Scientifiques des Jeunes Chercheurs en Génie électrique et Informatique, Hammamet, Tunisia, January 2006,pp.63-71, Séries CPU Ed.,
8. H. Zayani, A. Guadri et R. Ben Ayed - Wireless sensor network and simulation, 4ème conférence internationale JTEA’2006 Hammamet, Mai 2006.
9. R. Ben Ayed, H. Zayani - Etude et calibrage des algorithmes génétiques pour le Problème d’allocation de fréquences dans un réseau cellulaire, Télécom’2003 et 3ème JFMMA Marrakech, Octobre 2003 pp 266-269.
THESIS: "Study and optimization of wireless sensor network protocols"
- Communication systems (SysCom), ENIT Tunis
- CEDRIC: Gathers research activities in computer science at CNAM, Paris.
- Kamel Barkaoui (CNAM Paris )
- Rahma Ben Ayed (ENIT)
The work proposes new efficient energy protocols for wireless sensor networks (WSN) which are characterized by a low traffic, a high latency and a limited and non renewable energy. To do so, several works dealing with communication architecture, routing protocols and medium access control (MAC) protocols for Ad hoc networks and WSN were firstly analyzed. This, allowed us to propose a new MAC (ECo-MAC) and routing protocols that benefit from the low traffic feature of the majority of WSN applications enabling thus the saving of energy and an increase of the network lifetime. These protocols are used to create two cross-layered models for the two nodes sensor and base station (BS). To evaluate our proposition, we have used these models in the Optimized Network Engineering Tool (OPNET) simulator. The obtained results, under different network configurations, show important gains in terms of energy saving and latency, compared to works based on the S-MAC protocol. In a second step, we build a sensor and a BS models according to the timed automata formalism and using UPPAAL model checker tool we check the correctness of the new ECo-MAC protocol behavior and the time slot duration in the worst case. Finally, from a discrete time Markov chains (DTMCs) modeling, we provide, by using probabilistic symbolic model checker (PRISM) tool, a formal justification of our adoption for some parameters values of the backoff procedure of our ECo-MAC protocol.
Optimization, WSN, Energy consumption, Routing and MAC protocols, OPNET simulation tool, formal verification, Timed automata, Model checker UPPAAL, Stochastic model checking, PRISM tool
OPNET 8.0, NS-2, OMNeT++, UPPAAL, PRISM, SPIN, Matematica, Origin 7.5, Win Edit 5, Gnu plot, Latex, Windows XP Pro, Linux, etc.